Condropetalum Tectorum es una planta resistente y de fácil crecimiento. To find out if SANBI has seed of this or other SA . Prefereix el sol però tolera mitja .
Sea el primero en evaluar este producto. Chondropetalum es un género con especies de plantas herbáceas perteneciente a la. It was amazing to see these prehistoric looking plants growing wild in parts of South Africa, during my 20trek.
Check it out to learn about drought tolerant plants!
Along the length of the wiry green stems, brown . Plant Type: Grass Grass-like, Shrub. This rush like plant from South Africa creates a striking accent. Suelo indiferente (calcareo o siliceo). Floración primaveral aunque sin interés . This graceful species loves full sun and can be a feature in any garden. CHONDROPETALUM tectorum – pure see Cape-Rush, dark green stems with red-brown leaf-sheats, brown flower heads, dense clumps.
Cape Thatching Reed (E) Kaapse Dekriet (A) Native to Southern Africa Grass. The narrow dark green foliage makes a statement in the garden and is ideal .
Item #38USDA Hardiness Zone: – 10. A fine reed like rush with dark black joints and arching over once mature 1. Elegia tectorum (L.f.) Moline H. Beautifully architectural, hardy plant. Each stem has papery bracts connected to the ends that turn from tan . This evergreen grass is a great accent to pond borders, perennial and succulent gardens. Sensitive to fertilizers, particularly those high in phosphorus.
CHONDROPETALUM TECTORUM EN VENTA en Zulú Zazú Una planta maravillosa, elegante, de muy fácil mantenimiento,con alto valor ornamental,forma una . Chocolate-brown seed heads dance on top of this grass-like plant. This species is a diminutive form with foot stems . Notes: This architectural plant offers dense clumps of wiry, deep green stems that develop papery, chocolate-brown bands and long lasting dark brown seed . This long-lived plant belongs to the Restionaceae, a family of rushlike evergreens . Only Registered Users are able to order. Looking for Small Cape Rush, for your garden landscape?
Find Chondropatalum tectorum availability prices online now. This plant takes its species name from the Latin word tectorum, meaning roofing, which probably refers to its use a thatching material.