Linum usitatissimum

Su tallo se utiliza para confeccionar tejidos y su semilla, llamada . En cachéSimilaresUna fuente rica de compuestos curativos, la Linaza ha sido cultivado por más de 70años. Las semillas de color marrón de la planta se utilizan para preparar .

Según el SIIT y PLANTS, Linum humile P. En Brasil, esta oleaginosa está siendo adicionada a panes, . The plant is not a new crop and native to West Asia . It is in flower from Jun to July, and .

Linum usitatissimum is a ANNUAL growing to 0. Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental: Anuales. Tallos de hasta cm, erectos, estriados, generalmente sólo . Linum finds its way into folk remedies for boils, bronchitis, . Etymology: Linufrom the old Greek name for flax, . As ancient as civilization itself, pretty blue or white flax flowers have waved over fields tended by every population of the globe from Swiss settlements ten . Native to Europe, cultivated flax is widely-grown for fiber for making linen, as well as for linseed oil. The seeds are edible and are sometimes used . Flax is a cool temperate annual herb with erect, slender stems, 80-1cm tall.

A cultivated plant in closely spaced field conditions it has little branching except at . Hierba anual de la familia de las lináceas de hasta cm. El lino es una planta de cultivo anual originaria de Asia. Se cultiva, por su semilla y por su fibra, en regiones frías y templadas.

Leaves – Alternate, linear, entire, glabrous, glaucous, sessile, to 3cm long, 3mm broad. Inflorescence – Loose panicles terminating . Se trata de una planta con tallos de hasta cm, que . An Old World species of uncertain origin, long cultivated for the fiber of the stem (from which linen is derived) and the oil of its seed (linseed oil). See a rich collection of stock images, vectors, or photos for linum usitatissimum you can buy on Shutterstock.

Explore quality images, photos, art more. Flax also known as common flax or linseed binomial name Linum .