Phlomis fruticosa

Arbusto tomentoso de porte extendido que se distribuye por toda la región mediterránea sobre suelos rocosos en . Descripción; Hábitat; Distribución; Sinonimia; Referencias; Enlaces . Atles fotogràfic de la flora útil i medicinal de les comarques nord-orientals de Catalunya: Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà, Garrotxa, Gironès, .

Nombre común en castellano : Candilera. Pests Diseases – leafhoppersPlace . It is in leaf 12-Jan It is in flower from . Each plant profile in the database contains nomenclature info, botanical .

Hojas coriáceas de hasta cm de largo, lanceoladas elípticas u . Austin Native Landscaping: “Holly Cow! Jerusalem sage blooms in the spring with beautiful bright yellow whorls of flowers along long stems. But all year long, this perennial is noted . Plants typically die to the ground in winter in USDA Zones and with roots usually . Item #43USDA Hardiness Zone: – 10. Present Introduced in Portugal Açores Source: Checklist da Flora de Portugal 2011; Rare in Portugal Terceira Island Source: A list of the terrestrial and marine . Family: Lamiaceae (formerly Labiatae) Origin: Scrub and open woodlands of the Mediterranean region.

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Habita en Sicilia : en Extremadura, Sierra-morena y otras partes de Andalucía. Phlomis Fruticosa Photo: MARTIN POPE. PHLOMIS FRUTICOSA Description: With strong heads of golden yellow flowers amidst thick, evergreen, sage-like, silver-grey leaves, this compact, low growing, . Show All Show Tabs shrubby Jerusalem sage. Jerusalem Sage is widely used in California, but deserve to be grown more in colder regions. Plants form a shrubby mound of woolly silver-grey leaves, bearing . Categories: Ground Covers and Perennials.

Suelo indiferente (calcareo o siliceo). The attractive mat of leaves is silvery gray and woolly. The tall flower stalks are covered with whorls of bright yellow blossoms.

ForPerennial Seasonality: Evergreen. Les phlomis forment une grande famille. Nous parlons ici de phlomis fruticosa (du latin signifiant buissonnant ) mais il existe près de 1autres espèces !