The side-to-side crunch is a great way to work your abdominals and put a special focus on your oblique . Start out by lying on your right side with your legs lying on top of each other. Make sure your knees are bent a little bit.
Place your left hand behind your head. Say adios to those love handles with the side crunch; a proven waist cincher. Orthopedist and fitness trainer Levi Harrison, who created the Art . Standing Abs Workout, Standing Abs and Crunches.
The internal and external obliques form a V-shaped component of the abdominal wall. The side crunch exercise challenges the primary functions of these . Muscles Targeted: Lying side oblique crunches focus on the internal and external oblique muscles. These are the abdominal muscles located . Learn how to perform the perfect standing side crunch exercise by following these simple step by step instructions from day fitness challenges. The reverse crunch is done by lying flat on your back and putting your leg up at degree.
Standard crunches work your rectus abdominis (front part of your abs), while side crunches recruit more from your obliques and reverse . Continue reading