Hydrocotyle ranunculoides, redondita de agua o floating pennywort es una planta acuática en la familia Araliaceae. Es nativa de Norte y Sudamérica, y partes . CATÁLOGO ESPAÑOL DE ESPECIES EXÓTICAS.
Authors of this fact sheet: Andreas Hussner, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, . APIACEAE Es una hierba acuática con tallos horizontales flotantes, rizomatosos y . Angola (Angola); Australia; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Congo, The Democratic Republic of the; Ethiopia; France; Hungary; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Israel; Italy; Kenya . Range: Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and California.
These pages are under development – if you would like to recommend management information to include . Show All Show Tabs floating marshpennywort. A robust perennial herb found rooted in mud or as free-floating or emergent colonies on the surface of still or slowly moving water, such as lakes, ponds, streams . Vernacular names: floating pennywort; march pennywort; greater water pennywort; . Photo: Bart Wursten Lake Chivero, nr rest camp. Photos and information about Minnesota flora – Floating Pennywort: aquatic; ½-inch clusters of tiny star-shaped greenish white flowers with petals and 5 . Continue reading