Informar sobre otra imagenDenunciar una imagen ofensiva. Daucus carota – , la enciclopedia libre,rh:es. La Zanahoria (Dacus carota), planta autóctona bianual, muy extendida en los suelos frescos, ha dado origen a numerosas variedades, todas con raíces de un .
Familia: Familia de la zanahoria – Apiaceae (Umbelliferae); Forma de crecimiento: Hierba bienal (algunas veces anual). Nombre común en castellano : Zanahoria silvestre. Distribución por provincias : Alicante. Planta perenne de entre a cm de altura, erecta o decumbente, muy ramificada desde la base y .
Descripción: hierba anual o bienal; raíz engrosada o napiforme; hojas alternas, 2-pinnatisectas, segmentos lineares; inflorescencia umbela compuesta . Conservation status: Widespread and not considered to be . Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental: Anuales o bienales. Tallos de 1O-1cm, híspidos, rara vez glabros. It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender.
Native Status: CAN I LI PB I PR I SPM I. Stems – To 1m tall, erect, from large taproot, dense spreading to retrorse hispi herbaceous, branching, single from base. Synonymy of this subspecies is presented under the . In its native habitats, this species often occurs .
Daucus Carota Pusillus: Edible Wild Carrots. Description: This biennial herbaceous plant consists of a rosette of basal leaves during the first year, bolting upward during the second year to produce flowering . This plant, as with all members of the carrot family, . Each plant profile in the database contains nomenclature info, . Atles fotogràfic de la flora útil i medicinal de les comarques nord-orientals de Catalunya: Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà, Garrotxa, Gironès, Pla . Wild carrot is a member of the family once named Umbelliferae – so called because their flowers are arranged into a flat . It is almost unchanged from its historical . Three subspecies are recognised in our area: subsp. Identify queen annes lace via its pictures, habitat, height, flowers and leaves. An Old World native, now a well established weed of disturbed places, roadsides, and fields, also invading shores, and other open habitats.
Wildflowers › ApiaceaeEn cachéTraducir esta páginaShort to tall plant, stem soli often ridged. Leaves or pinnate feathery, with linear or lanceolate segments, the uppermost often bract like.