Atriplex semibaccata es una especie de planta perenne perteneciente a la familia de las amarantáceas. Se trata de una planta de 20-cm, . Atriplex nombre griego de una especie del género quizás comestible; .
Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental: Flora Iberica: Perenne, de hasta cm, cepa leñosa, ramillas herbáceas . A vigorous, low groundcover, grey, mealy leaves to . It is valued as a fodder plant an along with many other Atriplex. Golan (V. Rare); Kinnroth Valley (V.
Rare); Esdraelon Plain (V. Rare); Mt.
Gilboa (V. Rare); Bet Shean Valley (V. Rare); Sharon Plain (Rare) . Common name: Berry Saltbush Height: 0. Description: A hardy groundcover forming a mat of small leaves.
Height: under ft; Life Cycle: perennial; Growth Type: shrub; Flower Size: minute; Flower Type: inconspicuous; Bloom . Australian Saltbush ID: 00000903 . Click on each image to see a larger version and details of the record. Leaves narrow-elliptic to elliptic, to c. Ecología: Bordes de caminos, terrenos .
California to Texas, also including. En Alicante aparece en los alrededores de la capital y en . Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Matorrales y tomillares halonitrófilos y vegetación viaria, 0–5m (t–m).
The Canberra Nature Map project allows you to report your rare plant and animal sightings as well as any of the many treasures in and around the ACT. Herbs or subshrubs, perennial, decumbent-prostrate, unarme mainly 0. ATRIPLEX SEMIBACCATA AS INFLUENCED BY CERTAIN. Stock retail nurseries, landscapers, . Name: Atriplex is the ancient Latin name for these plants.
Atriplex muelleri aptera four-wing saltbush – Atriplex gardneri var. Distribution Botanical Details, Click Here. Please contact Te Papa Media Sales and Licensing.
Environmental tolerances: Plant features,. Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version ). Long recognized as a valuable colonizer and soil stabilizer in disturbed environments, the potential for creeping . Artemisia californica, Cressa truxillensis, Distichlis spicata, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Frankenia .