Centaurea calcitrapa

Descripción; Hábitat y distribución . Planta bianual, con tallos de – 1cm, de ascendentes a erectos, ramificados de forma divaricada desde la base. Nombre común: Calcítrapa, Cardo estrellado.

Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental: Perennes, con indumento generalmente viloso. Tallos de basta cm, ramificados frecuentemente desde la base con . Atles fotogràfic de la flora útil i medicinal de les comarques nord-orientals de Catalunya: Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà, Garrotxa, Gironès . Es una planta anual o bienal herbácea que puede alcanzar hasta cm.

Purple knapweed is native to southern Europe and northern Africa. Centaurea eriophora, seu Calcitrapa, native of Portugal. Title: Actividad antimicrobiana de centaurea solstitialis y centaurea calcitrapa.

Common names: Purple star thistle, red star thistle, common star thistle. Detailed plant classification, national distribution maps, status as invasive plant and noxious weed. Search in The Plant List Search in IPNI Search in Australian Plant Name Index Search in NYBG Virtual Herbarium Search in Muséum . Queenslan New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern . Foliage: The stems and leaves are covered with fine hairs.

Purple starthistle is a county declared weed in Big Horn, Converse and Washakie counties in Wyoming.

Other Common Names: red star-thistle. Habita en Suiza , Inglaterra y en la Europá austral : en los circuitos de Madrid , en Aragon , Cataluña , Alcarria . Taxon Version Key: NBNSYS0000004510. This plant is an invasive biennial (two-year life cycle) native to southern Europe that produces stout, sharp spines. In California, purple starthistle invades . Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. There is a single archaeological record of this species from a Roman site, and it was recorded in the historic period by 1597. Ecología: Terrenos baldíos, 2-dm, III-X, Cardo estrellado.

It is sometimes regarded as native . Purification, Characterization, Molecular Cloning, and Modelling of Its Three-Dimensional Structure. Hojas alternas, pinnatífidas, segmentos aserrados y espinulosos, las basales .