Raphanus raphanistrum

Flora Vascular de Andalucía Occidental: Plantas con raíz fibrosa y axonomorfa, más o menos híspidas. Raphanus raphanistrum puede cruzar con varios miembros de las Brassicaceae y es investigada en su papel de posible receptor de genes de . Se diferencia de la otra especie del género en las islas, R.

Nombre común en castellano : Rabanillo. Name also: White Charlock, Runch, Jointed Charlock; Family: Mustard Family – Brassicaceae (Cruciferae); Growing form: . Medium to tall rough, bristly plant.

Lower leaves pinnately lobe upper leaves unlobed: blunt toothed. Each plant profile in the database . Search in The Plant List Search in IPNI Search in Australian Plant Name Index Search in NYBG Virtual Herbarium Search in Muséum . Other names, › Brassica erucastrum › Brassica erucastrum L. Flora of North America; General Description; vPlants; Gleason Cronquist. Photos below are of a colour varities.

Family Brassicaceae Burnett (Cruciferae Juss.), Genus Raphanus L. FLORA VASCULAR DE ANDALUCÍA ORIENTAL. Edita: Consejería de Medio Ambiente.

The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are . A Eurasian weed of dry roadsides, fields, and disturbed groun first collected in Michigan in 19in Washtenaw Co. There is a distinct stalk-like, sterile, 0. Common Name: Charlock or Field Wall Flower or Jointed Charlock or Knopherik or Ramenas or Ramnas . Common Names, English: Wild radish, jointed charlock; German: Acker-Rettich, Hederich; French: Raifort sauvage; . Fotos realizadas en un ejemplar de algo más de cm de altura, el mes de abril, en la zona centro de España . Ambas especies pertenecen a la Familia Brassicaceae, siendo . It has hermaphroditic, self-incompatible flowers pollinated . Photographs of flower and fruit of the Wild Radish and a description of the plant. Stems erect or prostrate, usually retrorsely hispid.

Originates from the Northern Hemisphere (Asia or possibly the Mediterranean) and has become a weed in many parts of the worl including southern Africa. Using this photo This image has a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3. If you have questions, contact Luigi Rignanese .