Symphytum officinale es una especie de planta perenne perteneciente al género Symphytum de la familia Boraginaceae. Es originaria de Europa y es conocida . En cachéSimilaresNombre vulgar: Consuelda, consuelda mayor, sueldaconsuelda, sínfito, hierba para las heridas, hierba de las cortaduras, lengua de vaca, oreja de vaca, hierba .
Planta herbácea con un rizoma corto y vertical, ramificado, del que surge un tallo de – 1cm, erecto, hueco y a . Boraginaceae family that has been used in medicine for treatment painful joints and muscles, . Atles fotogràfic de la flora útil i medicinal de les comarques nord-orientals de Catalunya: Alt Empordà, Baix Empordà, Garrotxa, .
It also helps eye injuries, sprains, fractures due to . Russian comfrey, used as a green vegetable or tonic, was studied in inbred ACI rats. Name also: Common Comfrey, Common Comphrey; Family: Borage Family – Boraginaceae; Growing forPerennial herb. Information about the remedy Symphytum-off.
Common comfrey is found escaped from cultivation in all New England states. A sterile cultivar is frequently planted in gardens, somewhat reducing . The stems are light green, terete, and hairy; they appear to be . It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. Remedy for injuries, especially fractures and injuries to periosteum and bone.
Photos and information about Minnesota flora – Common Comfrey: clusters of ½-inch hanging pinkish-purple funnel-shaped flowers with a tube about as long as . It is a dynamic accumulator, drawing minerals out of the soil and into the roots and leaves, . Traumatismos en huesos, periostio y tendones; y, . Mind Turns a deaf ear to all gossip. Confidence broken, least criticism. Along with thirty four other species of Symphytum, it is . Comfrey is a perennial herb with hairy leaves and bell-shaped flowers. Native to Europe, growing in damp, grassy places, this ancient medicinal herb was once . Item Number: BO1919; Serving Size: 5 . Part of a section of notes about specific homeopathic remedies. The leaf is used both internally and externally, and the root . En asociación con Achillea millefotium. The dark purple ones are commonly referred to as Russian Comfrey – Symphytum x uplandicum.
A native of Eurasia, cultivated and sometimes escaping to roadsides, ditches, fields, yards, and disturbed ground. First collected in 18in Ingham Co.