Nota: Hay autores que consideran que es una . También se llama: Hierba mora, hierba negra, tabaco cimarrón, tabaco del diablo, tomatillo. Herbácea anual, erecta, glabra y ramificada.
The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects. Family Solanaceae (Potato family) 1. Olohua; Polopolo; Pōpolo; Pōpolohua. Common Names: Ink Berry, Gooma Bush.
PLANT: Annual or short-lived perennial herbs, sometimes turning woody with age, usually greater than m tall, without tubers or stolons, unarmed; herbage . Planta anual, en ocasiones perennante y algo lignificada en la base, de hasta cm, subglabra, con indumento formado por pelos simples. Identificación: planta anual (en ocasiones perennante) de 10-cm, glabra o pelosa, pero nunca con pelos estrellados o bifurcados. This plant has poison characteristics.
Most collections identified as this species are actually the native . BLACK NIGHTSHADE, COMMON NIGHTSHADE. This is a large genus of plants with over ~ 15species distributed worldwide . Species plantarum en 17por Carl Linné). Blades typically ovate, acute, with .
T: Cultivated Chelsea Physic Garden, origin Virginia, North America, Miller s. Photo: Bart Wursten Aberfoyle, EH Tea Estates, Honde Valley. Search in The Plant List Search in IPNI Search in Australian Plant Name Index Search in NYBG Virtual Herbarium Search in Muséum . After a more thorough research on the on this herb, I started to doubt its current identity. The coat protein sequences for CMV and PVY found in S. However, Eastern black nightshade is distinct from American . Excellent meadow plant, prefers sun, and regular moisture during winter and . Shrub-like branching annual with spreading hairs and some glands on surfaces.
Leaves egg-shape entire or wavy with . Solanum nodiflorum, previously known in New Zealand . Taxonomic Status: Accepted Related ITIS . Nombre: Castellano Hierba mora, Solano negro, Tomatillos del diablo Catalán Morella negra, Tomaquera del . En cachéDescripción Hierba perenne o anual de menos de m de alto. Las hojas se disponen en pares o solitarias y tienen diferentes . Erva-moura, aguaraguá, caraxixú, erva-de-bicho, erva-moura-açú, maria-preta, maria-pretinha, pimenta-de-galinha. Florida abundance and distribution: .